How To Build Your Reputation For A More Fruitful Career

Whether you are seeking recruitment, pushing for a promotion internally or looking for additional opportunities; building and upholding a robust reputation will be a catalyst to a more fruitful career.

With academic achievements such as a university degree no longer being sufficient, people need to find additional ways to leverage themselves to stand out amongst the crowd and be an attractive option for employers. With the “great resignation” and “quiet quitting” shaping the professional landscape in 2022, employers are seeking new, exciting, and creative ways to retain talent. Upholding a reputation that puts you in best regard will put you in an advantageous position when seeking a promotion, command a larger salary or attaining a leadership role.  

So, how can you go about building and retaining a reputation that will allow for a more fruitful career? 

Welcome challenges and go above and beyond – Volunteer, take on additional training courses that align with your career ambitions and show that there is more to you than an academic qualification. Besides, the rapid acceleration of digital change presents people with the opportunity to apply for a job in just one click, leaving recruiters with 100s of CVs to sift through. A rounded CV that is tailored to each specific role will increase your chances of standing out.  

Present a powerful digital image - 70% of employers screen applicants based on their digital profile before offering an interview. Therefore, with particular emphasis on LinkedIn, it is important to ensure that your online profile captures any relevant and previous experiences, clearly articulates your interests, and shows that you are pro-active and engaged with the world and the relevant industry. 

Always learn - When you are in a role and making early strides in your career, it is important to not only be reliable and consistent, but to always be open to learning. Learn from the mistakes of those around you, while adopting and moulding what they do well into your work.  

Find the gap, become an expert - Try to make yourself an expert in a topic where your organisation lacks expertise. The new ‘hybrid’ way of working, coupled with the acceleration of the digital world has presented new challenges and opportunities for business. Thus, working out what these are and becoming an expert in them, will only bolster your reputation and serve as a springboard for further opportunities.  

Network, network, network - You will have heard the phrase ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ and that could not be more relevant than today. Certifications are admired but reaching the height of your career can only be achieved with a strong network and good relationships with others. As the contacts you keep are largely attributed to your growth, developing long-lasting relationships will only enhance your reputation and open an avenue to new opportunities. 

The world is continuously changing and what is expected of people is changing also. It is imperative that you constantly evolve to develop and maintain a robust reputation. Although academic accreditation used to be the golden ticket into the corporate world, it is no longer enough, and it is important that you develop new skills and expertise that will make you more reputable, leading to more opportunities in the future.  

Furthermore, with the pandemic only accelerating the digital world, having a strong and unique digital footprint is more important than ever. Be sure that you are comfortable and well equipped on key platforms such as LinkedIn, so that you can use it to stand out amongst the crowd and navigate the ever-changing landscape.  

But, above all, network. Use the training course and conferences that you may attend, and the exposure to key figureheads that social media presents you with to develop and sustain key relationships that will open doors to new opportunities, guide you on the path to a more robust reputation and, in the end, a more fruitful career.   

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